The Haninge Juche Idea Study Group embracing dozens [bor det ens så många människor i Haninge?] of members was organized in February 1982. This group annually begins its activity with a seminar on the New Years Adress of President Kim Il Sung, and holds 5-6 seminars on the President's works a year. It organizes the activity to study the Juche idea through diversified forms of work including lecture meetings, film shows, book and handicraft exhibitions, etc. The members of the Haninge study group also spread the Juche idea by publishing notes on visits to Korea, such as Chollima Korea, A Beautiful City, Korea Which Has Risen from the Ruins after the War and The Juche Idea and Independent Politics.Utdrag ur The Compilation Committee of Kim Il Sung Encyclopedia (1992) Kim Il Sung Encyclopedia, vol 1, sid. 770. New Dehli: Vishwanath.
Den ärofyllda kampen för spridandet av Juche-filosofin i Haninge fortsätter, får man anta.
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